Buying car is an expensive proposition which takes away a massive amount of your hard earned money. Learning how to negotiate efficiently at the dealership will help you strike a good deal and moreover save some money. The money saved can be use to purchase accessories for the cars or for financing the car. This article offers some golden tips about tips on how to take a stronger position relating to settling the cost of a car at the dealership.
Rule 1: Remain calm and casual
It's better to remain calm and patient when checking out car dealership. Adopt a casual however firm approach. Moreover show readiness to walk out of the dealership at any point.
Rule 2: Don't discuss payment conditions at the start
Salesman at the car dealership will try to acquire information about your budget for the car. You might be asked questions for instance how much cash you can devote for monthly premiums, how do you wish to pay for the car, are you searching for finance and so on. Be sure to firmly steer clear of replying to this sort of question by telling the car salesman that you are just interested in discussing the selling price of the car at this point. Other financial matters can be talked about as the deal is finalized. Consider to keep the discussion in track even even though the sales agent tries hard to get your financial info.
Rule 3: State you are all set to strike a deal today itself
Tell the car salesman that you are not really in a hurry to purchase a car though you are willing to sign the deal today itself if the manager agrees on my offer. This statement will create a tremendous stress on the auto dealer and so get you an upper hand in the negotiation game. And then state an amount little below your assigned budget for shopping for a car.
Rule 4: Be patient
After you make an offer relax. It's been seen whoever talks first once an offer is made comes in a weaker position. Wait for a reply of the salesperson well before discussing any more.
Rule 5: Steer clear of coming under the pressure of the salesman
As you make a bid, a salesman will try hard to make you raise the figure. He could tell you that such an amount is simply not fair or feasible. Remember not to increase your quoted price until the dealership gives you a counter offer.
Rule 6: Increase offer in small increments
The sales rep may finally plan your meeting with the sales manager who might present a counter offer. In a casual still focussed manner present your willingness to negotiate. Increase your bid in small amounts; say $100 or maybe $200 at a time. Some might still tell you it's not feasible. Raise you bid somewhat as the sales manager keep reducing their asking price.
Rule 7: Threaten about moving to another dealership
Sales manager will tell you that no car dealership will accept this price or simply make excuses that this type of prices are not feasible as they need to maintain the dealership overheads or even state that this price is very reasonable for the car you have opted for. For all those such arguments just tell them that you're ready to try another auto dealership. Sales manager will feel pressurized while your position will be strengthened.
Rule 8: Final quote
State your budget quotation. If they still try to make you raise the quote, clearly state that you have reached your limit. Be casual, calm and friendly. In case the dealer gives you in your price well and good however if he does not leave on a friendly note. Try giving a casual call to the dealer next day. The car dealer may maybe be ready to reduce the price else be flexible to move to another dealer.